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Rock-Forming Minerals and Rocks: Chapter Objectives

After completing this chapter, the student should:

  1. Understand the nature of atoms and their structure.
  2. Understand how elements combine to form chemical compounds.
  3. Be able to describe the difference between ionic and covalent bonding.
  4. Understand the crystal lattice structure of minerals.
  5. Know what mineral hardness and density are and how these properties relate to the atomic or molecular structure of the mineral.
  6. Know the major families of rock-forming minerals and their basic chemical compositions.
  7. Understand how the chemical composition and cooling rate of the magma that produced an igneous rock relate to the type of rock produced, its grain size, and its density.
  8. Be able to describe the types of igneous intrusions.
  9. Understand how extrusive igneous rocks are produced.
  10. Know how siliciclastic sediments are produced by weathering and erosion.
  11. Be able to describe how siliciclastic sediments and sedimentary rocks are classified.
  12. Know the major types of siliciclastic sediments and the sedimentary rocks produced from them.
  13. Understand the concept of sorting as it relates to siliciclastic sediments and sedimentary rocks.
  14. Be able to define lithification, compaction, and cementation.
  15. Know the difference between a chemical and a biogenic sediment.
  16. Understand how evaporites form.
  17. Be able to name the major types of chemical and biogenic sedimentary rocks.
  18. Know what a sedimentary structure is.
  19. Be able to describe the following sedimentary structures: graded bed, ripples, cross-bedding, and mudcracks.
  20. Understand the concept of metamorphic grade.
  21. Know the difference between foliated and nonfoliated (granular) metamorphic rocks and be able to give examples of each.
  22. Be able to describe regional metamorphism, contact metamorphism, hydrothermal metamorphism, and burial metamorphism and give examples of each.

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